Guardians of the Public's Health

American Association  of Public Health Physicians Preventive Services ToolKit Project 


TO DOWNLOAD SLIDES and HANDOUTS for the Nov 4 and 5 2017 presentations  please go to this page:  PSTK Summit 

AAPHP Preventive Services ToolKit (PSTK) Project
The PSTK project is an AAPHP initiative intended to enhance the delivery of clinical and community-based preventive services, nationwide. In pursuit of these goals, the PSTK project provides two sets of services.
The first set of services is an array of educational curricula to enable participants to conduct a robust policy analysis relative to a given policy or program proposal (or defense against anticipated budget cut)in less than an hour for the purpose of ascertaining technical, administrative and political feasibility; and development of an advocacy strategy.
We refer to this analytic process as a PSTK Rapid Protocol Brainstorming Session.
The second is direct policy consultation consisting of facilitation of single, problem oriented rapid protocol brainstorming sessions (without the need for participants to be trained in advance).
The PSTK approach is based on the idea that each of us lives and works within a mental box created by our perceptions, beliefs, educational conditioning and the organizational culture of our employment setting. This box prevents us from seeing and understanding the perceptions, values and priorities of other stakeholders whose support we will need to get our proposal approved. The PSTK protocol provides a ladder that enables us to climb outside our box to enable us to see and understand the views of other pertinent stakeholders and use this knowledge to mutual advantage.

The basic full curriculum, whether taught in person or on line, requires 7.5 to 8 hours of contact time, with half the time devoted to the eight slide/lecture presentations, and half the time devoted to practicing the skills in each of the five major educational units. The shorter versions, ranging from a 12 minute introduction to a 4 hour half-day session provide some of the knowledge, but with very limited practice. The longer 15 hour) version consists of the basic full curriculum plus a full day devoted to additional practice and supplemental related management skills not covered in the basic full seminar. The supplemental units are Evidence, Planning/Evaluation, an expanded unit on Cost/Benefit/Return on Investment, and Data/Privacy/Confidentiality.
The narrated slide sets in the full curriculum run a little over four hours. The curriculum and rapid protocol brainstorming sessions are as described in the introductory and wrap-up videos:
Unit 0: 12 minute introduction
Unit 6: WrapUp
Access to the other six videos covering the main body of the seminar requires authorization from Dr. Nitzkin.  Unit 1: Framing and Mindsets; Unit 2: Epidemiology as a Policy Tool; Unit 3: Cost and Return on Investment; Unit 4 Part 1: Stakeholder Analysis Basic Principles; Unit 4 Part 2: Stakeholder Analysis Mechanics of Analysis; Unit 5: Partnering.

Consultation in the form of Facilitation of Rapid Protocol Sessions
As a shortcut for participants with one major issue or problem or proposal to be considered – PSTK faculty can be made available to work with agency staff to walk through a facilitated rapid protocol brainstorming session without having to have the staff spend a half day or more learning the policy and advocacy skills that underlie the brainstorming session.

History of PSTK Project
The PSTK project was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the period 9/01/2005 through 12/31/2009 for the purpose of developing a curriculum and teaching policy and advocacy skills to healthcare and public health advocates for the purpose of enhancing the delivery of preventive services nationwide. The grantee was the American Association of Public Health Physicians. The principal Investigator and Project Manager was Joel L. Nitzkin, MD.

Current Status of PSTK Project
On at least an interim basis, until and if additional funding can be secured to cover project costs, PSTK on-line and in-person teaching and consultation will be available for the cost of direct expenses plus $200 per hour of faculty time for preparation, teaching, consultation and follow-up.
During this interim period, there will be limited capability to provide some workshop sessions and some consultation with no hourly cost for faculty time for sponsoring organizations that held workshops during the initially funded period, and for organizations represented by members of AAPHP.

Effective March 8, 2010, the Preventive Services ToolKit educational slide sets, narratives, videos, quizzes and related materials, as completed December 2009, are copyrighted by Joel L. Nitzkin, on behalf of the American Association of Public Health Physicians, Copyright Registration Number TXu 1-675-065.

Last Updated: September 16, 2010

Contact for Additional Information, Seminars and Consultation:
Joel L. Nitzkin, MD, MPH, DPA
Principal Investigator and Project Manager, PSTK Project

504 606 7043




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